HOH required for this fantastic 100m +/1 private yacht
- We are looking for a very experienced HOH to join this 100m yacht in the coming couple of months
- Your CV will demonstrate excellent longevity and you will have fantastic references
- The yacht operates with a Purser overseeing the interior and you will work alongside the HOS to run the interior team
- HK team of 5 including the Laundry Master
- You will be responsible for uniform, wardrobe management as well as overseeing the HK team
- You will be the owners point of contact for anything HK or interior behi9nd the scenes. Very nice owner but a seasoned yacht owner so knows what he likes!
- World cruising yacht currently in the Med and then heading to Middle East & Maldives for winter before returning to the Med for summer 2024
- Great crew on board, excellent longevity, social & active and the crew have a lovely gym that the owner spent a lot of money on last year
- Excellent package on offer including a fantastic bonus scheme & discretionary tips from the owner & guests
- 2:2 rotation - salary DOE - up to 6500 / 7000 USD